
Strict Entry Regulations and Penalties for Unauthorized Vehicles During Hajj 2024

Friday, 14 June 2024 - 00:25
Strict Entry Regulations and Penalties for Unauthorized Vehicles During Hajj 2024 A strict prohibition on unauthorized vehicles entering the Holy City of Makkah. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MAKKAH – In preparation for Hajj 2024, the Public Security Department of Saudi Arabia, represented by the General Traffic Department, has announced a strict prohibition on unauthorized vehicles entering the Holy City of Makkah. This restriction is effective from Tuesday, 5 Dhu al-Hijjah (11/6/2024) until 13 Dhu al-Hijjah (12/6/2024), according to a report by the Saudi Press Agency.

The Hajj Security Forces' Traffic Affairs Command has issued a stern warning: anyone caught transporting pilgrims without a valid Hajj permit will face severe penalties. These penalties include imprisonment for up to six months and a fine of SR50,000 (approximately IDR 215 million).

Moreover, the vehicles used in the unauthorized transport will be confiscated as per court rulings. This applies whether the vehicle is owned by the transporter, their associates, or shareholders. If the offender is an expatriate, they will be deported after serving their prison sentence and paying the fine. They will also face a ban on re-entering the Kingdom for a period specified by law.

Cases of illegal pilgrim transportation will be handled by a seasonal committee at the entry points to Makkah. Offenders will be brought before this committee, which will review the violations and issue administrative decisions and penalties. If multiple unauthorized pilgrims are found being transported, the penalties will be doubled.

The General Traffic Department has also announced a SR10,000 (approximately IDR 43 million) fine for anyone entering Makkah without a Hajj permit. This penalty applies to all individuals found without a permit within the holy city, the Central Haram Area, the Sacred Sites of Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah, the Haramain train stations in Rusayfah, and various security control points and Hajj grouping centers.

These fines apply equally to Saudi citizens, expatriates, and visitors caught within the specified geographic areas without a Hajj permit. Expatriate offenders will be deported to their home countries and barred from re-entering the Kingdom for a period determined by law.

Public Security emphasizes the importance of adhering to Hajj 2024 regulations and instructions to ensure the safety, security, ease, and comfort of all pilgrims during their sacred rituals. Through these measures, Saudi authorities aim to ensure a smooth and orderly Hajj, minimizing potential risks and disruptions caused by unauthorized vehicles. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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