
Exploring Japan: A Memorable Day at the Japan Youth Summit

Friday, 05 July 2024 - 03:27
Exploring Japan: A Memorable Day at the Japan Youth Summit The delegations took a moment for picture enjoying their foods during spare time at Japan Youth Summit. (Photo: YBB)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – On the second day of the Japan Youth Summit 2024, delegates had the opportunity to visit several notable sites in Japan. This event, organized by Youth Break the Boundaries (YBB), saw participation from delegates representing 28 countries.

The first stop was Fushimi Inari Taisha, a famous Shinto shrine in Kyoto known for its thousands of red torii gates that form paths up Mount Inari. Each torii gate is donated by individuals or companies, symbolizing success and good fortune.

The 2024 Japan Youth Summit participants enjoyed walking through the corridors of torii gates, experiencing the profound spiritual atmosphere, and learning about the shrine's significance in Japanese culture.

Next, the delegates visited the Kyoto Railway Museum, a haven for railway and technology enthusiasts. The museum showcases the history of railway development in Japan, from early models to the modern shinkansen.

The participants observed various locomotives, tried train simulators, and understood how transportation technology has influenced Japan's economic and social progress. This visit provided valuable insights into how innovation can drive positive societal changes.

Their cultural journey concluded with a visit to the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. This location offers stunning natural scenery with its towering bamboo forest. The path through the bamboo grove provides a peaceful and serene experience.

They walked through the forest, appreciating its natural beauty, and learned about the importance of environmental conservation. This visit emphasized the need to balance development with nature preservation.

Faniyatul Mazaya and Dhohan Chaniagolla, two organizers of the 2024 Japan Youth Summit, noted that participants were thrilled with the event. "The participants of the 2024 Japan Youth Summit greatly enjoyed the activities, especially because of the many international networks they formed with friends and delegates from different countries," said Faniyatul.

Dhohan added that the activities sharpened the critical thinking of the young delegates, making their cultural tours in Kyoto and Osaka more meaningful by adding to their knowledge.

Japan Youth Summit 2024 is a testament to the power of youth collaboration and the lasting impact of cultural exchange. As participants return to their respective countries, they carry with them valuable knowledge, connections, and inspiration to make a positive difference in the world.

With this event, as participants return home, they bring back many cherished memories and valuable lessons. They have experienced the beauty of Japanese culture, forged strong international networks, and gained insights into the importance of innovation and environmental preservation.

The success of the 2024 Japan Youth Summit highlights the importance of collaboration and cultural exchange in shaping the next generation of leaders. The enthusiasm and knowledge gained from this summit are expected to motivate participants to continue contributing to positive change in their respective communities. (*)

Peawarta: Cindy Aulia (DJ)

Writer :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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