
KND Praises Inclusive Hajj 2024 Program for Elderly and Disabled Pilgrims

Sunday, 16 June 2024 - 03:33
KND Praises Inclusive Hajj 2024 Program for Elderly and Disabled Pilgrims Senior Indonesian Hajj 2024 pilgrims. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – The National Disability Commission of Indonesia (KND) has expressed high appreciation for the Hajj 2024 Program for the Elderly and Disabled implemented by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag RI). According to Deka Kurniawan, Vice Chairman of KND, this program has shown significant improvement since its inception in 2023.

During his visit to the Regional Office of Makkah (Daker Makkah) in Syisah, Makkah, Deka Kurniawan observed the 2024 Hajj operations. He was received by Arsad Hidayat, Director of Hajj Guidance at Kemenag, and Khalilurrahman, Head of the Makkah Regional Office.

Deka emphasized that the murur and Safari Wukuf schemes align with Law No. 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities, providing adequate accommodations for disabled pilgrims. "The spirit of facilitating Hajj rites is very much in line with the provisions of the Disability Law," Deka stated.

Arsad Hidayat highlighted that Kemenag has made various efforts to enhance services, protection, and rights for elderly and disabled Hajj pilgrims. From embarkation and airport handling to arrival in the Holy Land, elderly and disabled pilgrims receive special attention and top priority.

Special Services and Challenges

The Elderly and Disabled Friendly Hajj Program includes the murur scheme, which allows pilgrims with severe conditions to perform the obligatory Hajj without disembarking from the bus. Additionally, the Safari Wukuf program helps severely ill pilgrims to perform Hajj rituals properly.

During his inspection, Deka met Aura, a visually impaired pilgrim, who expressed her gratitude for the special care she received from departure until her arrival at the accommodation. "Alhamdulillah, from the moment I left until I arrived at the accommodation, I have always received extra attention," Aura said.

Despite the progress, Deka noted several challenges, such as the lack of specific data collection for disabled Hajj pilgrims and the many key Hajj operation points that are still not disability-friendly. 

Even with these challenges, Deka praised Kemenag’s efforts in improving Hajj services for the elderly and disabled. "The services for elderly and disabled Hajj pilgrims this year are outstanding," he concluded.

The continuous improvement and dedication to accommodating elderly and disabled pilgrims reflect a commendable commitment to inclusivity in one of the most significant spiritual journeys for Muslims. The National Disability Commission's acknowledgment of these efforts underscores the importance of ongoing enhancements to ensure that all pilgrims can perform their Hajj 2024 with dignity and ease. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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