
Innovative Solutions and Continuous Improvement in Hajj 2024 Services

Saturday, 22 June 2024 - 00:08
Innovative Solutions and Continuous Improvement in Hajj 2024 Services Indonesian senior Hajj 2024 pilgrims. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MAKKAH – The Hajj 2024 pilgrimage, a significant event for millions of Muslims worldwide, presents unique logistical and management challenges each year. From managing vast crowds to ensuring the welfare of elderly and disabled pilgrims, the organizers face a daunting task. Recent insights from members of the Hajj Community of Indonesia (MCH) highlight the innovative solutions and continuous improvements implemented to enhance the pilgrim experience.

In 2010, Abdul Khakim, an MCH member, addressed the significant challenge posed by the large number of pilgrims, particularly the elderly. "Implementing measures like 'murur' to prevent congestion during the movement of pilgrims from Muzdalifah to Mina has proven to be highly effective," he noted. This strategic innovation not only improved mobility but also ensured the safety and comfort of the pilgrims, particularly the elderly who are most vulnerable to the rigors of the journey.

Fast forward to 2023, Erwin Dariyanto, another MCH member, highlighted the expansion of the fast track policy to Adisoemarmo Solo Airport and Juanda Surabaya Airport as a game-changer. "The fast track system significantly reduces the physical and time burden on pilgrims. Additionally, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has enriched the catering menu with Indonesian flavors, which are greatly appreciated by the pilgrims," he commented. This initiative has been instrumental in reducing the physical strain on pilgrims, ensuring they arrive in better condition to perform their religious duties.

The Ministry's commitment to the welfare of elderly and disabled pilgrims has also led to substantial improvements. "With the 'Elderly-Friendly Hajj' initiative, the Ministry has developed various support systems, appointed special personnel, and enhanced infrastructure to better serve these pilgrims," Erwin explained. The introduction of the Kawal Haji application by the Ministry has further streamlined the pilgrim experience, providing a platform for reporting service issues and tracking movements. "This application offers easy access to information and assistance, making the pilgrimage smoother for the pilgrims," he added.

Despite these advancements, David Krisna Alka, an MCH member from 2022, emphasized the necessity for continuous improvement. "Future enhancements in Hajj services require constructive feedback from various stakeholders," he suggested. David also viewed the House of Representatives' proposal for a special committee (pansus) as unnecessary. "While the formation of a pansus is allowed under Article 93 of the House of Representatives' Rules of Procedure, its urgency and significance are questionable," he asserted. "There are more efficient ways to communicate feedback and suggestions for improving Hajj services," he concluded.

The insights from Abdul Khakim, Erwin Dariyanto, and David Krisna Alka underscore the ongoing efforts and innovative measures implemented to enhance the Hajj 2024 experience. By focusing on strategic innovations, streamlined processes, and continuous improvements, the organizers are making significant strides in ensuring a safer, more comfortable, and spiritually fulfilling pilgrimage for all, especially the elderly and disabled pilgrims. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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