
Surini’s Remarkable Hajj 2024 Journey: Celebrating a Dream Come True at 68

Friday, 14 June 2024 - 06:11
Surini’s Remarkable Hajj 2024 Journey: Celebrating a Dream Come True at 68 Surini met Gus Men during her 68th birthday. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – Surini, a dedicated vegetable vendor from Solo, recently marked her 68th birthday in a way that was both extraordinary and deeply meaningful. Her story is a testament to unwavering faith, persistence, and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream especially for Hajj 2024.

For many Muslims, the Hajj pilgrimage is a sacred duty and a profound spiritual journey. The 2024 Hajj season witnessed the confluence of millions of pilgrims from around the world converging on the holy city of Mecca, each with their unique stories and aspirations.

Among these pilgrims was Surini, whose journey stood out for its sheer determination and years of relentless saving and sacrifice.

Her journey to the holy city of Mecca was a lifelong dream fueled by nearly five decades of perseverance and hard work. A member of the SOC 82 Indonesian Hajj group, she had been meticulously saving her earnings from selling vegetables since 1975.

Each day, she set aside a portion of her profits, determined to fulfill her spiritual aspiration of performing the Hajj pilgrimage. Her dedication was not just about fulfilling a religious obligation but also about achieving a deeply personal and long-cherished goal.

In 2024, Surini’s dream became a reality. Her pilgrimage coincided with her 68th birthday, adding an extra layer of joy and significance to the experience.

But the surprises didn’t stop there. During her time in Mecca, Surini had the honor of meeting the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, known affectionately as Gus Men. The meeting took place at the Office of Hajj Officers (Daker) in Mecca.

In an emotional exchange, Surini requested that Gus Men pray for her children to one day have the same opportunity to perform Hajj. "Alhamdulillah, Gus, please pray that my children can all come here one day," she said with hopeful eyes.

"Amin, amin, insya Allah they will all be able to come here," Gus Men replied with warmth and empathy. The touching moment was shared by Gus Men on his official Facebook page, where he praised Surini’s unwavering dedication.

"Mrs. Surini. Selling vegetables and saving her profits since 1975, she was able to perform the Hajj this year at the age of 68," he wrote. He also expressed his own joy at being able to meet her. "Today is Mrs. Surini's birthday. I had the opportunity to meet her and share in her multiplied happiness and gratitude."

In his post, Gus Men reaffirmed the government’s commitment to providing the best services to all pilgrims. "To Mrs. Surini and all the pilgrims, the government is committed to providing the best services with all its might. Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallah," he assured.

Wibowo Prasetyo, Special Staff to the Minister of Religious Affairs for Media and Public Communication, also known as Gus Bowo, shared Surini’s happiness. "Mrs. Surini was overjoyed to meet Gus Men. She cried tears of happiness, grateful to have met him and to have realized her dream of performing the Hajj after saving for years from her vegetable sales," he remarked.

Surini’s story is a powerful testament to the virtues of patience, hard work, and unwavering faith. Her journey from a vegetable vendor in Solo to a pilgrim for Hajj 2024 in Mecca serves as an inspiring reminder that with dedication and perseverance, dreams can indeed come true, no matter how long the wait. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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