
450 Shalawat Buses Prepared for Indonesian Hajj 2024 Pilgrims

Monday, 10 June 2024 - 02:12
450 Shalawat Buses Prepared for Indonesian Hajj 2024 Pilgrims The Shalawat bus is ready to take the pilgrims during Hajj 2024 season. (Photo: MCH @024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – To support the mobility of pilgrims heading to Masjidil Haram, the Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia has provided a fleet of 450 Shalawat Buses operating 24 hours a day. This preparation is part of the efforts to ensure the smooth and comfortable pilgrimage for all pilgrims during Hajj 2024.

Head of the Transportation Section of PPIH Makkah Work Area, Syarif Rahman, explained that the Shalawat Bus operation will be temporarily halted starting on the 5th of Dhu al-Hijjah or June 11, 2024. This adjustment is made to prepare the shuttle service during the Armuzna phase (Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina), which is a crucial part of the Hajj pilgrimage.

"Shalawat Buses will stop operating on the 5th of Dhu al-Hijjah. From the 5th to the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah, or when the pilgrims begin their journey to Arafah, their activities will be limited to their accommodations," said Syarif in Makkah, Friday (June 7, 2024).

Armuzna Shuttle Service

The temporary halt in the Shalawat Bus operation aims to prepare the fleet for providing shuttle services during the Armuzna phase. During this phase, the buses will be used to transport pilgrims from Makkah to Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina, and back to Makkah. The Armuzna phase is a significant stage in the Hajj pilgrimage, making transportation readiness vital.

"Towards the peak of the Hajj, the buses will indeed be temporarily withdrawn as they will be entirely utilized for the Armuzna shuttle service," added Syarif.

Physical and Mental Preparation for Pilgrims

In addition to preparing for the Armuzna service, the temporary halt in the Shalawat Bus operation also aims to allow pilgrims to prepare themselves physically and mentally. Syarif emphasized the importance of rest for pilgrims at their accommodations during this period to maintain their health and readiness for the Hajj peak.

"This is so that the pilgrims understand they should rest more at their accommodations to prepare themselves physically, mentally, and health-wise for the peak of Hajj," explained Syarif.

Resumption of Operations After Hajj Peak

After the Hajj peak, the Shalawat Buses will resume operations on the 14th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 H or June 20, 2024, at 00:30 Saudi Arabian Time (WAS). These buses will once again serve pilgrims who wish to perform tawaf ifadah, tawaf wada, and the five daily prayers at Masjidil Haram.

"After the peak of Hajj, the Shalawat Buses will be back in operation to serve pilgrims who will perform tawaf ifadah, tawaf wada, and the five daily prayers at Masjidil Haram," concluded Syarif.

With the provision of 450 Shalawat Buses and operational adjustments ahead of the Hajj 2024 peak, PPIH Saudi Arabia is committed to ensuring the smooth and comfortable pilgrimage for all pilgrims. This thorough preparation is expected to help pilgrims carry out their Hajj rituals with ease and devotion. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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