
The Inspiring Tale of Abdulwahed: A Veteran Scout's Linguistic Prowess at Hajj 2024

Friday, 14 June 2024 - 05:37
The Inspiring Tale of Abdulwahed: A Veteran Scout's Linguistic Prowess at Hajj 2024 Abdulmalik Khayyat, a 70-year-old Saudi Scout leader, stands out with his unwavering dedication and extraordinary linguistic skills. (Photo: Saudi Press Agency)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MAKKAH – During the Hajj 2024, amidst the throngs of pilgrims in Makkah, a remarkable figure has emerged, exemplifying devotion, camaraderie, and volunteerism. Abdulwahed bin Abdulmalik Khayyat, a 70-year-old Saudi Scout leader, stands out with his unwavering dedication and extraordinary linguistic skills.

For over 25 years, Khayyat has been serving pilgrims at the Al-Aziziyah Camp in Makkah, embodying the international Scout motto, "Once a Scout, always a Scout." His age has not deterred him from fulfilling his commitment to serve.

Khayyat's unique ability lies in his fluency in six languages: English, Hausa, Urdu, Indonesian, Persian, and Arabic. This multilingual proficiency enables him to bridge communication gaps and assist pilgrims from diverse backgrounds effectively.

He firmly believes that serving the pilgrims fosters a spirit of togetherness and instills a sense of responsibility among volunteers. "Seeing older members share this honor motivates the younger Scouts," Khayyat said, as quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). "Their sincerity and enthusiasm drive them to provide exceptional service, seeking rewards from Allah."

Khayyat's dedication serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that significant contributions to the Hajj experience can be made even in later years. His role at Al-Aziziyah Camp extends beyond that of an ordinary volunteer; he acts as a mentor to young Scouts who are new to the service.

Each year, Khayyat provides training and shares his experiences on how to serve pilgrims sincerely. "The key to good service is sincerity of heart," he emphasizes. "When we serve with genuine intent, we not only help others but also attain inner happiness and satisfaction."

This Hajj season, Khayyat is once again enthusiastic about continuing his service. He has prepared various training materials for young Scouts, including how to handle emergency situations and provide first aid. His extensive experience often leads him to give lectures on the importance of unity and cooperation in serving the pilgrims.

Moreover, Khayyat's linguistic abilities are invaluable in resolving various issues faced by the pilgrims. From giving directions to facilitating communication with healthcare providers, Khayyat is always ready to assist.

Reflecting on his journey, Khayyat expressed his hope for more young people to be inspired to volunteer during Hajj. "Serving during Hajj is a great honor and responsibility. I hope more youth will be inspired to take part and continue this tradition."

Khayyat's story is a testament to the power of dedication and the impact one individual can have on a global event like Hajj 2024 particularly. His commitment not only aids the pilgrims but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for future generations of volunteers. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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