
Indonesian Hajj 2024 Officers Earn Praise for Exceptional Service

Saturday, 22 June 2024 - 09:32
Indonesian Hajj 2024 Officers Earn Praise for Exceptional Service Cak Lontong during Hajj 2024. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – The dedication and hard work of Indonesian Hajj officers have received widespread acclaim during the 1445 Hijri/2024 M pilgrimage season. Their exceptional service has not only ensured the smooth conduct of Hajj 2024 rituals but also garnered high praise from notable figures and the general public alike.

One of the most vocal admirers of the Hajj officers' efforts is the renowned comedian Cak Lontong. Known for his distinctive humor and ever-present smile, Cak Lontong, whose real name is Lies Hartono, could not hide his admiration when he was met at Jamarat, Mina, on Monday, June 17, 2024, before performing the stoning of the devil ritual.

"The Hajj officers are extraordinary, thank you," said Cak Lontong warmly. He highlighted the exceptional care and facilities provided by the officers, emphasizing the high level of attention and service that made the pilgrimage experience significantly smoother for all participants. "This year, we have been well cared for and provided with extraordinary facilities. Matur nuwun (thank you). May everyone stay healthy," he added, his characteristic smile further reinforcing his heartfelt gratitude.

The peak period of the Hajj pilgrimage has seen pilgrims engaging in the stoning of the devil ritual at Jamarat from the 10th to the 12th of Zulhijjah for those opting for Nafar Awal, and until the 13th of Zulhijjah for those choosing Nafar Thani. This critical phase also involves staying (mabit) in Mina, where the focus on service and care reaches its zenith.

Wibowo Prasetyo, the Controller of Hajj Officers and Special Staff to the Minister of Religion for Media and Public Communication, has been instrumental in overseeing these operations. He stressed the importance of maintaining concentration and delivering optimal service throughout the peak Hajj period. "Alhamdulillah, we have successfully navigated the key stages of the Hajj. From Wukuf in Arafah, mabit in Muzdalifah, and now completing the mabit in Mina, including the stoning of the devil at Jamarat," said Wibowo with enthusiasm.

Wibowo called on all Hajj officers to continue their diligent and heartfelt service to the pilgrims. "We ask the officers to stay focused, provide optimal service, be sincere, and always involve their hearts. Insha Allah, together we will complete this task successfully," he expressed with confidence.

The appreciation from prominent personalities like Cak Lontong significantly boosts the morale of the Hajj officers, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the pilgrims' experience is as smooth and fulfilling as possible. This recognition underscores the critical role played by Hajj officers in the overall success of the pilgrimage each year.

As pilgrims gather in Mina, the atmosphere is filled with tears of gratitude and joy, as the tireless efforts of the Hajj officers have made their spiritual journey seamless. These officers, often seen as unsung heroes, work diligently to ensure every aspect of the pilgrimage is handled with utmost care and precision. Their commitment and hard work have transformed the 1445 H or Hajj 2024 season into a memorable and blessed event for all involved. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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