
Hajj 2024: A Glimpse of Ardah Tradition

Thursday, 04 July 2024 - 16:06
Hajj 2024: A Glimpse of Ardah Tradition The Arabs preparing horses for Ardah tradition. (Photo: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, JAKARTA – The Ardah dance, a traditional performance deeply rooted in the Arabian Peninsula, has recently gained prominence as a symbol of cultural unity and heritage between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. This captivating dance, typically showcased at royal events and weddings, was performed at the Rizq Palace Hotel in Makkah, offering a memorable experience for Indonesian Hajj 2024 pilgrims.

Ardah is a traditional dance characterized by its vibrant display of men in war robes, carrying weapons, and holding the Saudi Arabian flag. The dance is accompanied by rhythmic drumming and chanting, creating an atmosphere that is both exhilarating and deeply respectful of Arabian culture. 

Cultural Exchange at Rizq Palace Hotel

During the Hajj season, the Rizq Palace Hotel, which accommodates many Indonesian pilgrims, presented the Ardah dance as a special farewell ceremony. Six men in turbans and traditional attire performed the dance, while another chanted the Shalawat Badar, a devotional song. This unique cultural presentation was designed to give the Indonesian pilgrims a memorable send-off, combining elements of Arabian and Indonesian traditions.

“This tradition is called Ardah. It is a traditional dance from the Arabian Peninsula, usually performed at royal events or weddings. This time we present it at our hotel to give the Indonesian Hajj pilgrims a memorable experience,” Bassam Abdurrazaq, the owner of Rizq Palace Hotel, explaining the significance of the event.

The Indonesian pilgrims, particularly those from flight group (kloter) SUB 46, were delighted and moved by the gesture. Mufridah, one of the pilgrims, expressed her gratitude. “I'm happy because we were welcomed upon arrival and given a grand send-off as well. The service has been excellent,” she said.

Diplomatic and Cultural Significance

The Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz Ahmad, lauded the initiative, emphasizing its role in reviving and celebrating cultural traditions. “We welcome such ceremonies as they revive our tradition of chanting Shalawat together while bidding farewell to the pilgrims,” he remarked.

Ambassador Abdul Aziz further highlighted the importance of such cultural exchanges in strengthening the ties between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. “Now we are reviving this tradition as part of cultural exchange between nations. In Indonesia, chanting Shalawat together is common, but in Saudi, this tradition may need to be revived.”

A Step Towards Cultural Enrichment

The performance of Ardah at Rizq Palace Hotel symbolizes more than just a farewell ceremony; it represents a deeper connection and mutual appreciation between the cultures of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Such traditions not only enrich the cultural experiences of those involved but also pave the way for a stronger, more integrated relationship between the two nations.

By incorporating traditional dances like Ardah into modern ceremonies, both countries can celebrate their heritage while fostering a sense of unity and respect. This cultural fusion exemplifies how traditions can be preserved and shared, creating lasting memories and reinforcing the bonds of friendship and cooperation, especially during Hajj 2024. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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