
UIN Malang Added 19 Respected Professors, Here are They

Tuesday, 23 February 2021 - 00:27
UIN Malang Added 19 Respected Professors, Here are They The Rector of UIN Malang Prof Dr H Abdul Haris M.Ag at his office. (Photo: Naufal Ardiansyah/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MALANG – Under Prof Dr H Abdul Haris M.Ag management as the Rector of UIN Malang, the university has at least added 19 respected professors to their faculty. This was to increase the quality of the university itself. 

The Rector managed to take them all to help to raise the quality of the university in no more than 3,5 years. He has commits to make this agenda his focus during his leadership.


The Rector which loves to express his feeling through  some poem also known to have a friendly character. He loves to encourage all of professor at the university through some beutiful lines such as what he did that day Monday (22/2/2021).


"I always try to encourage them to not to postpone their way of becoming respected professor anytime  whenever I have chances," Abdul Haris said. One of his poem he wrote for the professors are listed below.

(Why we made respected professors ,)

Kembangkan UIN Maliki Jadi Bereputasi Tinggi.
(It makes UIN Maliki have reputation)

Dengan susah payah dan ingin segera.
(With a hard effort and willing to make it out faster)

UIN Maliki punya banyak gubes tua dan muda.
(UIN Maliki has lots of respected professors from the young to the old)

Seruan pagi dan sore tiada henti-hentinya.
(Encourage them day and night without stopping)

Mulai dengan surat resmi maupun lewat WA.
(From official letter to some text)

Anjurkan para dosen ajukan gubes segera.
(Encourage them to get their position as respected professor)

Jangan sampai ditunda apalagi tidak berupaya.
(Don't postpone or don't stop)

Mungkin saja banyak yang bertanya mengapa itu harus ada.
(There must be lots of questions why it should be there)

Bahkan rektor sepertinya semangat luar biasa.
Even the rector has high expectations about it)

Jabawan yang perlu ditulis di puisi.
(Here we answer all the questions)

Kita ingin kembangkan secepatnya institusi.
(We would like to develop this institution)

Menjadi perguruan tinggi bereputasi sangat tinggi.
(To be a university with high reputation)

Pengakuan tingkat nasional, regional dan internasional apalagi.
(Acknowledged either in national or international level)

Secepat-cepatnya tanpa harus menunggu cari situasi.
(As so  as possible without waiting for another chance to come)

SDM yang handal para profesor di UIN Maliki.
(With a good human resource at UIN Maliki)

Harus terus terlibat dan terus ikut berpartisipasi.
(Must to keep involved and making more achievement)

Melakukan transformasi dan inovasi tanpa henti.
(In doing more non stop transformations and innovations)

Jangan diam tapi lakukan gerakan sebagai peneliti.
(Don't just stand still but try to be a researcher)

Selalu berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk lembaga ini.
(Always trying to give the best for the institution)

Menulis di jurnal dan susun buku-buku tingkatkan kompetensi.
(Writing some journals and make books to raise your competence)

Masuk ke konsorsium dan adakan seminar dan diskusi.
(Joining consortium and holding some seminars and discussion)

Temukan dan susun teori-teori yang punya relevansi.
(Catch and find some theory that has some Relation with it)

Sungguh sangat kita butuhkan.
(We absolutely need it)

Keterlibatan para guru besar untuk kemajuan.
(The role of respected professors for the development)

Mereka yang masih muda maupun yang tua bahkan gubes pensiunan.
(Either those young, old or those who has been retired)

Diharapkan betul-betul membantu UIN Maliki dan sangat berperan.
(Were hope to be able to help UIN Maliki)

Bukan hanya untuk kepentingan kelembagaan.
(Not only for the university)

Namun lebih dari itu justru untuk temuan keilmuan.
(But for educational purposes)

Biar UIN Maliki menjadi sebuah pusat peradaban.
(To make this university a centre of civilization)

Memberi kontribusi untuk bangsa dan negara keseluruhan.
(To contribute to the country)

Kita sangat berambisi jumlah gubes sangat tinggi.
(Its been one of our ambitions to have lots of respected professor)

Tidak lain tidak bukan kecuali untuk majukan institusi.
(None other than to develop the institution)

Maka dari itu perlu semua ikut berpartisipasi.
(That's why we need you all to participate)

Upayakan sebanyak mungkin guru besar diproduksi.
(To create rspected professors as many as possible)

Saling membantu jangan sampai justru membonsai.
(Ti help each other not to make others feel inferior)

Semua perbuatan dan amal kita dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Ilahi.
(We will take responsibility towards all the thing we've done to Him)

Ayo ajukan guru besar segera.
(Put your name on the list tight away)

Jangan sampai ditunda apalagi wegah.
(Never postpone it or even stop doing it)

Mumpung masih ada waktu dan jedah leluasa.
(While we have time)

Jika tidak bapak dan ibu dosen akan menyesal selamanya.
(Never wait till you sorry)

Mengapa tidak digunakan kesempatan ini sebaik-baiknya.
(Let's use this chance for good)

Malang, 13 February 2021

'Abd Al Haris Al Muhasibiy

Not only for this chance, Haris also made some poem on every inaugural procession. He made it especially for the new respected professors joining the university.


"The title was not for me, but for themselvess and for the university," he added. Meanwhile he also stated the name of the 19 respected professors that has just been added during his leadership and each faculty they attended. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Asmaun Sahlan, M.Ag (FITK)

2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Mufidah CH., M.Ag (Islamic Economy Faculty)

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Umi Sumbulah, M.Ag (Islamic Economy Faculty)

4. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nur Yasin, S.H., M.Ag (Islamic Economy Faculty)

5. Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom (Sciente and Tech Faculty)

6. Prof. Dr. H. M. Zainuddin, MA (FITK)

7. Prof. Dr. H. A. Muhtadi Ridwan, M.Ag (Economic  Faculty)

8. Prof. Dr. Hj. Tutik Hamidah, M.Ag (Islamic Economy Faculty)

9. Prof. Dr. drh. Hj. Bayyinatul Muchtaromah, M.Si (Sciente and Tech Faculty)

10. Prof. Dr. H. Salim Al Idrus, MM., M.Ag (Economic Faculty)

11. Prof. Dr. Achmad Sani Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si (Economic Faculty)

12. Prof. Dr. H. Wahidmurni, M.Pd. (FITK)

13. Prof. Dr. H. Saifullah, S.H., M.Hum (Islamic Economy Faculty)

14. Prof. Dr. Turmudi, M.Si (Science and Tech Faculty)

15. Prof. Dr. Agung Sedayu, M.T (Science and Tech Faculty)

16. Prof. Dr. Retno Susilowati, M.Si (Science and Tech Faculty)

17. Prof. Dr. H. Roibin, M.HI (Islamic Economy Faculty)

18. Prof. Dr. Roihatul Mutiah, S.F., M. Kes., Apt (Meducal Faculty)

19. Prof. Dr. H. Nur Asnawi, M.Ag. (Economic Faculty)

Beside all those 19 respected professor, UIN Malang still 4 other professor including the Rector himself.  This university also has inactive respected professors which their sentences still be be taken into consideration.

Those inactive respected professors of UIN Malang are Prof. Dr. H. M. Djunaidi Ghoni,  M.Pd, Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Djakfar, S.H., M.Ag dan Prof. H. Arief Furqon, M.A., Ph.D. (*)

Writer :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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