
Malang Presents You the Authentic Taste of Indonesian Beverages

Sunday, 11 April 2021 - 03:20
Malang Presents You the Authentic Taste of Indonesian Beverages Tahwa Mas Agus. (Photo: Ratu Bunga/TIMESIndonesia)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MALANG – April to September could be said as the coldest day in Malang. During this time, the temperature could drop into 18°C. And to anticipate this issue we will presents you some places which served nice, warm, invigorating beverages in the city. Check them out.

Tahwa Mas Agus

Tahwa is soybean curd or some people might called it as silken tofu. The look just like those cheese but with different taste. Tahwa Mas Agus which located at Jalan Aris Munandar, Malang served this local delicacy with warm ginger ale. 

Tahwa Mas Agus opens daily from 10.00 to 22.00 local western time. A set of tahwa could be purchased for IDR 4 K. A super affordable price for such delicacy. 

Ronde Titoni

Ronde is another exotic taste of local drink which includes ginger ale in it. Ronde is a special batter consisting of a mixture of rice flour and brown sugar shaped dots and on the inside it contains crushed peanuts and usually served in a warm ginger ale.

And you can have this warming invigorating drink at Ronde Titoni. Ronde Titoni is located at Jalan Zainul Arifin, Malang. This shop is open daily from 18.00 to 24.00 local western time.

STMJ Pak Sentot Bareng

STMJ derived from the local language, Susu (Milk) Telor (Egg) Madu (Honey) Jahe (Ginger). As its name, this drink was made of  egg and ginger with a little bit taste of  milk and honey as the natural sweetener.

You could taste this pro-immune drink at STMJ Pak Sentot at Jalan Bareng Kulon, Malang. The shop is open daily at 18.30 to 01.30 early in the morning. Quite good erase those cold for those who work late or having some night shift.

All these drink contain ginger or ginger ale which is good to warm your body. Lots of people will coming for this drink or beverages during the coldest weather in Malang to keep their body warm. (*)

Writer :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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