
Tanazul Program in Hajj 2024 Prioritizes Elderly Pilgrims

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 02:04
Tanazul Program in Hajj 2024 Prioritizes Elderly Pilgrims Indonesian pilgrims arriving at their homeland. (PHOTO: MCH 2024 Kemenag RI)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MAKKAH – Widi Dwinanda from the Media Center of the Ministry of Religious Affairs has announced about the tanazul program. The literal meaning of "tanazul" in Arabic is "relinquishment" or "concession." In the context of Hajj 2024 specifically, it refers to the concession made for certain pilgrims to return home earlier than scheduled, typically due to health concerns or other significant reasons. 

Widi explained that there are two methods for submitting a tanazul request. The first method allows the Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) within the pilgrims' group or in Saudi Arabia to propose names of pilgrims in need of early repatriation. This proposal must be backed by medical recommendations indicating the necessity of further medical treatment in the pilgrim's home country. 


"This submission is based on medical recommendations indicating that the pilgrim requires further medical treatment in Indonesia," Widi stated in an official statement from the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Jakarta (24/6/2024).

The second method permits the pilgrims themselves to submit a written request to the repatriation section at the PPIH Work Areas in Makkah or Madinah. This request must detail the reasons for seeking tanazul. The PPIH will then review and verify these reasons to determine the eligibility of the request. 

Overall, tanazul serves as a vital support mechanism within the Hajj framework, prioritizing the health and well-being of vulnerable pilgrims by facilitating their early return home when needed.

"Pilgrims can submit a written request to the repatriation section at the PPIH Work Areas (Daker) in Makkah or Madinah, providing the reasons for their tanazul request," Widi continued.

She added that PPIH will verify the reasons provided to determine whether the tanazul request can be approved.

With the hot weather in Makkah, PPIH urges pilgrims to perform their prayers and religious activities in mosques located in or around their hotels. "We remind pilgrims who will be returning to Indonesia to prepare well, particularly by maintaining their health through regular meals, adequate nutrition, and sufficient rest," Widi advised.

The goal of tanazul is to ensure that pilgrims who require urgent medical attention or are unable to cope with the demanding conditions of the Hajj 2024 pilgrims can safely return home for further treatment and care. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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