
Tawaf Ifadah: A Key Ritual in Hajj 2024 Pilgrimage

Saturday, 22 June 2024 - 04:22
Tawaf Ifadah: A Key Ritual in Hajj 2024 Pilgrimage Ka'bah, sacred cubic structure located in the center of the Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. (Photo: Imaduddin Muhammad/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES SINGAPORE, MAKKAH – After completing the phase of mabit in Mina, pilgrims continue their Hajj 2024 journey with the important ritual of Tawaf Ifadah and Sa’i. Widi Dwinanda, a spokesperson for the Indonesian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH), provided details on the logistics and support provided to pilgrims for this stage of their pilgrimage.

Recovery and Preparation

Following the physically demanding Armuzna rites, which involve significant exertion, the PPIH has issued guidelines recommending that pilgrims rest to recuperate their physical stamina before performing Tawaf Ifadah. This recommendation is crucial, as Tawaf Ifadah is a central part of the Hajj pilgrimage, requiring pilgrims to be in good physical condition.

"Pilgrims are advised to rest after the strenuous Armuzna process to restore their energy," Widi stated in an official release at the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in Jakarta on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Transportation Services Resumed

To facilitate the movement of pilgrims to Masjidil Haram for Tawaf Ifadah and other rituals, the PPIH has reactivated its transportation services, which had been temporarily halted during the peak of Hajj activities. This includes the resumption of the bus shalawat services.

"Shalawat buses are back in operation today, the 14th of Zulhijah, starting from 12:30 AM Saudi Arabian time," Widi announced.

With the reactivation of these transportation services, pilgrims can now use these buses to travel to Masjidil Haram. This ensures they can perform Tawaf Ifadah and other religious obligations with greater ease and convenience. 

Transportation Logistics

To ensure smooth transportation, the PPIH has also prepared dedicated staff at key terminals such as Syib Amir and Jiad. Additionally, route markers have been installed at these terminals to guide pilgrims effectively.

The reactivation of transportation and the strategic planning of PPIH underline their commitment to providing comprehensive support to pilgrims, ensuring they can fulfill their religious duties efficiently and with minimal stress. 

In summary, Tawaf Ifadah is a significant ritual in the Hajj 2024 pilgrimage, and the PPIH's efforts in ensuring adequate rest and providing reliable transportation reflect the thorough preparation and care taken to support pilgrims during this sacred journey. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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